hello world


That pretty much describes how I am feeling right now. I don't even know why I am doing this. Maybe, its because I have exams next week, and I am feeling bored, or maybe because "some" people can't maintain their blog frequencies. Whatever the reason is, as I am here, I have to tell you about me. Here goes.....
Name: Achyuth for some, Tempo for some.
Sex: still a virgin.
Age: 17.
What: 1st year student of B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering in IIT Madras, Chennai.
Why: exactly my point, why?
Where: err...... nice question. You see, I am an MFDNIGSIC (Mallu From Delhi Now In Gujarat Studying In Chennai). Not seen many of them, have you?
How: this doesn't fit in here, does it?
When: 18th February, 1991

Now that we have covered the questions part of the introduction, I think I may tell you more about me. I am a eternally sleep-deprived student, who fulfills his nocturnal lack of sleep in a building called CRC here in college. I love football, Liverpool, Spain and Torres. I also love music. I occasionally quiz, though I want to make it a more serious passion of mine.

I think thats enough about me now. Other aspects of my life will unravel as we go along (hopefully atleast into double digit number of posts). I think I better start studying something now.

P.S. the last sentence has been extensively repeated in a lot of conversations that I have had in the last few days, though it has never materialized.

P.P.S. 42.


Guided--->Missile said...

good.....keep posting...i hv added it to my bookmarks

Wineye said...

Bon jour!

"Some" people huh? I see. In contention for the Blooker Prize :D

And what exactly is the name of the blog?

And I can probably answer the 'how', but I doubt you'd want to hear it. :D

Nice blog man! Kick ass! I mean, literally. :P

Achyuth aka Tempo said...

i didn't get the how part u were referring to.
and i couldnt come up with a name for the blog. i was asking myself "what should i name the blog?"
whatever went through my mind at that point is the name of the blog right now.

RAHUL K said...

very touching indeed... :D
good luck with this thing...go ahead!

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